
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Off day

I did not have a great race...finished the LA Marathon in 3:54 and had to walk a lot. I think I just didn't train enough, but I learned a LOT and I'm excited to start training for San Francisco in July!


  1. Just look at this marathon as a practice run! You still kept your time under 4 hours, so that is something to be happy about!

  2. You and me both! Well, I only ran a half but also had an "off" day. And I agree with Steph, you still ran a great time, especially if there were walk breaks in there!

    Good luck on training for SF - you've got a BQ in you, I know it :)

  3. Sorry the race was not what you were looking for. Good Luck in San Fran.

  4. oh girl i know those bad days and they aren't fun. but take from it what you can and move on to the next thing, just like you are doing :) great job on another marathon finish!

  5. Every race is a learning experience and you never know how things will go on race day. You still ran a marathon though and that is something to be proud of!
